Boozhoo! / Hello! The biggest OJIBWE - ENGLISH and ENGLISH - OJIBWE dictionaries online. Biindigen! / Welcome!Gimiigwechwigom Anishinaabemoyan! We all thank you for speaking Anishinaabemowin!
Ojibwe is the heritage language of more than 200,000 Ojibwe people who reside in the United States and Canada. Ojibwe Country primarily extends from Quebec, across Ontario and Manitoba to Saskatchewan in Canada, and from Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and North Dakota in the United States.
Ojibwe, also known as Ojibwa, Ojibway or Otchipwe, Anishinaabemowin, Neshnabemwin or Ojibwemowin, is not a single standardized language, but a chain of linked local varieties, grouped into nearly a dozen dialects. Each dialect (and within dialects, each local variety) differs in details of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar from the others, with differences between non-adjacent dialects often being great enough to impede understanding between their speakers. The purpose of the Ojibwe Dictionary is to support language education and encourage new speakers among the present generation.
TRANSLATE OJIBWE is available in 7 languages.The English - OJIBWE dictionary has more than 6,000 words. The OJIBWE - English dictionary has about 12,000 words, too. They are both growing and you can help us grow sending your suggestions.Gimiigwechiwendaamin omaa mawadishiweyang noongom miinawaa bagosendamang wii nagadawendamang weweni (Anishinaabemowin). Gmigwechwendamen zhote mawjeshnoygo ngom mine begosendemgo e-wi negedewendemgo wewene (Neshnabemwen). We are thankful to be here gathering today and we hope to consider things carefully in a good way (English).