Перевод relax - Словарь : английский-Оджибве
Как сказать relax на Оджибве? Мы искали для вас доступную информацию в словаре английский-Оджибве. Ниже вы можете найти, если возможно, не только перевод relax, но также распространенные выражения и фразы, а также определения, которые помогут вам лучше понять, как его использовать. Для многих глаголов вы можете найти подробную информацию о спряжении.
Мы нашли следующие переводы слова relax на языке Оджибве:
В дополнение к словарю английский-Оджибве, который был отправной точкой для этой страницы, при поиске 'relax' также доступен словарь Оджибве-английский. Они тесно взаимосвязаны, и их можно переключать простыми щелчками. Они содержат множество общеупотребительных выражений и словосочетаний, включены самые разнообразные термины из разных сфер деятельности, чтобы помочь вам лучше понять, как их использовать. Попробуйте!
Спряжение глагола Top
I relax
you relax
he/she/it relaxes
we relax
you relax
they relax
Simple past
I relaxed
you relaxed
he/she/it relaxed
we relaxed
you relaxed
they relaxed
Present perfect
I have relaxed
you have relaxed
he/she/it has relaxed
we have relaxed
you have relaxed
they have relaxed
Past continuous
I was relaxing
you were relaxing
he/she/it was relaxing
we were relaxing
you were relaxing
they were relaxing
I shall relax
you will relax
he/she/it will relax
we shall relax
you will relax
they will relax
Continuous present
I am relaxing
you are relaxing
he/she/it is relaxing
we are relaxing
you are relaxing
they are relaxing
I be relaxed
you be relaxed
he/she/it be relaxed
we be relaxed
you be relaxed
they be relaxed
Определение Top
- relaxes, relaxed, relaxing: be at leisure; loosen, slacken; calm, release tension; ease one's mind through rest or recreation
- (v) to (cause someone to) become less active and more calm, or to (cause a part of the body to) become less stiff You shouldn't work so hard - you should relax more. I like to relax by doing the gardening. After work she relaxed (= enjoyed herself calmly) with a cup of tea and the newspaper. A good massage will relax your tired muscles. He relaxed his grip on my arm (= He began to hold it less tightly) . (figurative) The Mafia has relaxed its grip/hold on (= reduced its tight control of) local businesses. When rules or controls are relaxed, they are made less severe. Twoweeks after the police relaxed security at the airports, there was a bombattack.